
“Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind” – Rudyard Kipling

What do you call it when one country starts bombing a peaceful neighbor?  Is it war?  A conflict? A liberation?  That’s the question of the day.  It depends on who’s asking and their viewpoint of the situation.  Those attacking consider it a liberation – to bring those who were once part of their country back into the motherland.  Those being attacked view this as a war as do many of their allies.  As for those who really don’t want to take side – it’s a conflict.  Regardless of what it is called, thousands on people – men, women and children – are being killed or seriously wounded.  Those without physical scars have mental scars that will take years to heal and may will never truly heal.  This is all without even considering the physical damage to buildings – homes, hospitals, schools and roads. Every part of their lives has been uprooted and destroyed.  So no matter what you call it, the consequences remain the same.

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