Why I Read

“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”

C. S Lewis

I agree completely with C.S. Lewis.  I love a cuppa tea while readying a good book. Once I started reading chapter books, my mom introduced me to the local library. I got my first library card and a whole new world opened up to me. It was likely getting a passport to the world.  

Reading is my guilty pleasure.  It allows me to forget for a little while the worries and stresses in this world.  It’s an escape from my reality for just an hour or two.  

A good book lets me time travel back in time to an earlier period where I can experience life and events in this earlier time from the safety of my home. Or can I travel to a distance future and learn about whole new world that only exists in our imagination.  

What type of books do I like to read? It would be very accurate to say I have an eclectic taste in books. In the past month, I’ve read 6 books. A biography on one of the signers of the declariation of Independece, a non-fiction book on Churchill’s first year as Prime Minister, two self-help books, a business book and a novel set in Berlin prior to World War II.  

Book help to increase my knowledge of the world and myself.

The 5 reasons I like to read:

  1. It stimulates my mind and imagination
  2. Reading helps reduce my stress 
  3. Increases my knowledge
  4. Helps makes me a better writer
  5. To just be entertained  

Next time you have a few minutes, pick up a book and start reading.  

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