Has the World Gone Mad?

Some Random Thoughts

In the year of 2022, we believe we’re living in an advanced civilization.  The years of wars and despots are in the past.  We’re all rational adults and we can talk through our differences without resorting to violence.  Or at least that’s what we thought. Unfortunately, we’ve been proven wrong. 

There is a irrational ruler in a country that wants to relive their glory years.  They attacked a peaceful neighbor to bring them back under their authority and rule.  Thousands of lives are being lost.  And those that survive will live in a very different world then what they were living or had planned to live. 

Those individuals in the direct line of the conflict are either fighting back or looking for a way to escape.  Those watching on the sidelines are trying to help without actually getting involved. The outsiders don’t want to get their hands dirty. No one wants to draw the attention of the despot as they don’t want to be his next target.

But at the moment, he’s weakened with his troops in a foreign country.  This is the time to fight back.  He’s vulnerable because he’s spread so thin and he doesn’t have a lot of support outside of his closest advisors. And many think these advisors are not necessarily in line with him.  Only time will tell whether he’ll succeed.  Regardless, many will have paid the ultimate price for his desire for domination.

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