Life of music

Music has filled my life from the very beginning.  I was very fortnate to grow up in a home where music was played frequently.  And the music genres were very mixed. 

As a child I remember coming into the house after playing outside and more likely than not music would be playing throughout the house. The music came from all eras and genres – 50s & 60s up to more contempary tunes.  Classical and jazz music was also in the rotation.  And then there were showtunes – always a favorite.

Having music is a luxury we all can enjoy. While you can purchases music or subcription services for music, all you really need is a radio. The radio gives you access to all genres of music.  Music enhances life.  And it has many benefits; some of which include: 

  • Reduces stress; particualry slow music can help to lower your heart rate and has a relaxing or calming effect
  • Makes you happy; Helps you to relax
  • Simulates memories; studies have shown alzheimer patients can remember songs and even lyrics from songs known long ago; music helps people to rememer specific time periods or events
  • Makes workouts easier/improves workouts; a fast beat song helps you to run faster and keeping beat to a song makes you fun longer.

There many more benefits to music then those I’ve listed but these give you a few ideas of what listening to music can do for you.  

Even today, I’m more likely to have music playing rather than the TV.  While I have a huge electic, music collection myself, I find that I also like listneing to different channels.  Some of my favorites are Siriusly Sinatra, On Broadway and The Message.  While working I’m more likely to listen to classical music then anything else. 

A life without music would be a very sad thing. In my home, you’re more likely to hear music playing rather than the TV.  I doubt that will ever change. 

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